Friday, September 08, 2006
Accounting for Myself
Okay, I admit it. I've been AWOL lately, temporarily postponing my duties of bringing you the most life-enhancing home decor objets d'art (isn't that a wonderful phrase? hard to insert in normal conversation without sounding like you're having an "episode," but I find it a lovely catch-all term for everything from Ben Franklin Piggy Banks to Faberge Eggs).
In truth, I've been working on a book. Which isn't too different from writing here, until I tell you that I actually do my more serious writing on a typewriter (left, is one of two that I own). I find it convenient that there are actually typewriter repair specialists in town. I believe that most people should try to use a genuine typewriter in their everyday lives, even if it is to write a simple Thank You note. Your recipients will be so surprised to receive a typewritten note, even if they initially think it's a ransom note.
Anyway, I'm in no way taking a break from Domestically Inclined. In fact, I'll still be posting daily, Monday through Friday. I just wanted to account for my very short absence.